Optimum design for double-horse head beam pumping unit is a question of non-linear programming with inequality constraint condition and multi-objective function. 双驴头抽油机优化设计是一个具有不等式约束多目标函数的非线性规划问题。
A descent algorithm with global convergence for inequality constraint optimization problem 解不等式约束优化问题的一种全局收敛的下降算法
All Admissible Linear Estimators of Regression Coefficient in a Linear Model with Respect to an Inequality Constraint 不等式约束下线性模型中回归系数的所有可容许估计
This new method can use the information of the objective function to search for the optimum objectively. This new method is a global optimization method, which can be used for general inequality constraint nonlinear optimization problems efficiently and effectively. 提出了群体复合形进化算法,能充分利用目标函数值的信息,优化搜索过程具有较强的方向性和目标性,收敛速度较快,且是全局优化算法,能有效地求解不等式约束非线性优化问题。
Using the theorem, the optimality necessary conditions and sufficient conditions for the vector optimization problems with generalized inequality constraint are obtained. 利用此定理,得到了带广义不等式约束的向量优化问题的最优性必要条件和充分条件。
Linear Quadratic Control Problems with a Terminal Inequality Constraint 具有终端不等式约束的线性二次控制问题
By the alternative theorem, the optimality conditions of vector extremum problems with generalized inequality constraint are established in linear space. 运用此定理,在线性空间中建立了带广义不等式约束的向量极值问题的最优性条件。
The paper discuss the effect exerting on objective function, optimum solution and shadow price in LP when consumption coefficient matrix A change and a inequality constraint is increased or decreased. 讨论了线性规划模型中,消耗系数矩阵A中某个基变量或某个约束方程的系数向量变化以及增减约束方程时,对最优基、最优解、目标函数值和影子价格的影响。
This paper gives a new class of variable metric algorithm for nonlinear programing with equality and inequality constraint conditions, and proves that the algorithm in one-step superlinear convergence when the objective function and constraint functions are uniformly convex. 对带有等式和不等式约束条件的非线性规划给出一类新的变尺度算法,并证明当目标函数和约束函数一致凸时,该算法是一步超线性收敛的。
The complete physical model and mathematical expressions were developed for axial or radial turbine optimum design. By using the SUMT method, the extreme value problem with inequality constraint conditions was turned into optimum design problem without constraints, and was calculated by DFP conjugate direction method. 对径、轴流涡轮的最优化设计命题建立了完整的物理模型和数学表达式,采用SUMT外点法将含有不等式约束条件极值问题处理成无约束最优化设计问题,并用DFP共轭方向法求解。
Necessary optimality conditions of the inequality constraint problems 不等式约束问题的最优性必要条件
The module conversion for a kind of Max-min problems is given, namely, the Max-min problem with equality and inequality constraint is converted into convex problem with linear constraint, which provides theoretical basis for designing effective algorithms. 最后,给出一类极大极小问题的模型转化,把带等式、不等式约束的极大极小问题转化为带线性约束的凸规划问题,这为设计更为有效的算法提供了理论依据。
The contents of the dissertation include the existence of equilibrium and the stability criterion, and that a nonlinear optimal problem with equality and inequality constraint is concluded taking asymptotic stable equilibrium in continuous system as main constraint condition. 本文主要内容包括非线性动力系统平衡点的存在性与稳定性条件,并以渐近稳定的平衡点为主要约束,建立了具有等式与不等式约束的非线性优化模型。
Besides, simulation of cost function, principle and method which deal with inequality constraint in optimizing process are discussed. 此外,本文还对耗量函数的模拟以及在优化过程中,不等式约束处理的原理和方法加以讨论;
Solution of COM-based inequality constraint linear programming 基于COM组件的不等式约束线性规划求解
Finally, in linear space, the concepts of vector Fritz-John saddle point and vector Kuhn-Tucker saddle point are defined, the relations among them and weak efficient solution of vector extremum problems with generalized inequality constraint are discussed. 最后,在线性空间中,定义了向量Fritz-John鞍点和向量Kuhn-Tucker鞍点,讨论了它们与带广义不等式约束的向量极值问题的弱有效解之间的关系;
In this paper, a approximate exact differential penalty function for optimization with inequality constraint is introduced and its properties are studied. As a result, two new penalty methods are proposed and the global convergence of the two methods is obtained. 为不等式约束最优化问题提出一个连续可微近似罚函数并研究它的性质.在此基础上,提出了两个罚函数方法并证明这两个方法是全局收敛的。
Putting a priority list into the inequality constraint treatment procedure to increase the computation speed and stability; 在不等式约束处理中加入优先级策略以提高计算速度和保证可靠收敛;
The robust control for a receding horizon predictive control system with terminal inequality constraint is discussed. 研究了终端不等式约束预测控制系统的鲁棒控制问题。
The Programming Problem with Relation Inequality Constraint 具有关系不等式约束的规划问题
The calculation and analysis of IEEE 14-bus test system spot price illustrate the value of Lagrangian multiple of the relevant inequality constraint meaning the secure price of the system operating and the predictor-corrector algorithm's less iterative times and better convergence. 采用IEEE14节点标准测试系统进行实时电价计算,对仿真结果的分析表明了相应不等式约束的Lagrangian乘子的值代表系统运行安全费用,预测校正法迭代次数少,收敛性好。
Then we derive first-order necessary optimality conditions for optimization problems with affine variational inequality, which joint upper-level feasible region Z includes a linear inequality constraint and a linear equality constraint. 其次,我们研究Luo的带仿射变分不等式约束优化问题,其中上水平约束Z不仅含有线性不等式约束,而且含有等式约束情形时的一阶最优性条件,同时还给出了Z的切线锥的表达式。
H_ ∞ control with inequality constraint and its application to portfolio investment 具有不等式约束的H∞控制及其在证券投资问题中的应用
This actual problem is considered as a nonlinear optimal problem with equality and inequality constraint. 把这个实际问题,归结为含有等式与不等式约束的非线性优化问题。
Compared with other controllers, its superiority is the ability to handle multi-variable operational problems and inequality constraint condition easily. Rolling optimization strategy and feedback correction action improve the robustness performance of the controlled system. 相比于其他控制器,它的优越性在于能够方便的处理多变量操作问题及不等式约束条件,且通过滚动优化策略及反馈校正作用提高了受控系统的鲁棒性。
We present a globally convergent interior point algorithm for solving nonlinear semidefinite programming with inequality constraint. 本文提出一个全局收敛的求解不等式约束非线性半定规划的内点算法。
In the first chapter, introduces a new SQP algorithm for nonlinear optimization with equality and inequality constraint. 在第一章中,对具有一般约束的非线性规划构造出新的具有超线性收敛性的SQP算法。
In the chapter four of the paper, the existence of DC Optimization Solution in both inequality constraint unbounded set and general constraint unbounded set is discussed. 第四章讨论不等式约束无界集上DC优化问题解的存在性和一般约束无界集上DC优化问题解的存在性。
Downlink optimal pre-coding model is a fractional optimization problem with one quadratic inequality constraint. 下行链路最优化预编码模型是一个带一个二次不等式约束的分式优化问题。
However, parameter space may be constrained in many theoretical studies and practical problems. The common form is inequality constraint. We are often interested in testing whether true parameter value is on the boundary of parameter space. 但在很多统计理论研究和实际问题中,参数空间往往是带有约束条件的,常见的形式是不等式约束,而且人们特别感兴趣的问题是参数真值是否位于参数空间的边界。